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Scoliosis Treatment Virginia Beach


Scoliosis is characterized by a lateral (or sideways) curvature of the spine rather than the normal straight, vertical line. When viewed from behind, a person with a normal spine should appear to be straight. The spine seems to be curved when a person has scoliosis and is regarded in the same way, especially in more severe cases. Scoliosis is usually detected during a student's adolescent years through a school assessment or a chiropractic examination. It's also discovered to be more common in females than boys, particularly between the ages of 10 and 16.

Scoliosis is divided into four types:

Scoliosis that is evident at birth and is caused by a bone defect.

Scoliosis caused by improper muscle or nerve development is known as neuromuscular scoliosis. This type is common in people who have spina bifida or cerebral palsy.

Traumatic injury, bone deformation or collapse, osteoporosis (or weakening of the spinal bones), or severe spine surgery can all cause degenerative scoliosis.

Idiopathic scoliosis is the most prevalent type of scoliosis, accounting for 80% of instances. It has no identified etiology or contributing factor. There are a lot of theories, but none of them have been proven to be correct. It is known, however, to run in families.

If untreated as a child, even a minor case of scoliosis can develop to a variety of health problems as an adult. Without correct treatment, a person with scoliosis will develop spine osteoarthritis and degenerative disc degeneration. Over time, these degenerative changes can disrupt the nerve supply to muscles and vital organs, resulting in heart problems, breathing (lung) issues, reflux and digestive disturbances, constipation, incontinence, infertility, spinal stenosis, sciatica, arm numbness/tingling, and a variety of other health problems.

Unleveled hips caused by scoliosis contribute to arthritis and degenerative changes in the hips. Adult scoliosis can cause balance problems and reduce a patient's height since the spinal misalignment causes the body to twist and reduce stature. Compression (pressure) of the sciatic nerve causes discomfort and weakness in the buttocks, legs, and feet. Compression of the lumbar (low back) nerves that supply this area can also cause loss of bowel and bladder control.

The severity of the curve evaluated by x-ray analysis determines the traditional medical/orthopedic therapy choices for scoliosis. A minor degree of scoliosis is usually only "observed" until it progresses to the point where it is considered a problem. Stretches and rehabilitative activities are usually indicated as a curve advances and is measured to be less than 25 degrees.

Every 3-4 months, the youngster is checked to see if the curve is getting worse. Bracing is the conventional treatment if the curvature is between 25 and 40 degrees and the patient is still growing and maturing. The purpose of bracing is to try to stop the curvature from progressing, as long as the person wears the brace as directed (23 hours a day, 7 days per week). Many kids would not follow with torso bracing suggestions due to emotional and sociological concerns, rendering the treatment ineffective.

It may provide temporary relief, but once the brace is removed from everyday use, the curve usually returns to its previous size. The patient is evaluated for surgery if the bend is exceeding 40 degrees (or has not responded to bracing). Metal rods are surgically connected to the patient's spine during this treatment, and a spinal fusion is performed to permanently link the vertebrae together.

Chiropractic Care and Scoliosis

Chiropractic is a very successful and natural treatment for scoliosis. Chiropractic management of scoliosis consists of chiropractic adjustments to realign the spine, increase spinal range of motion, and remove pressure from the nervous system. Rehabilitative and postural exercises will be prescribed to strengthen and stabilize the muscles that surround and protect the spine. There are numerous case studies showing the effectiveness of chiropractic care in reducing a scoliosis curve

One interesting case study was released in 2010 where a 15-year-old girl with a 44-degree curve began chiropractic care. After 5 months, her curve had reduced to 32 degrees and she continued to show signs of progress. Over the years in our office, we have seen many patients with scoliosis who have seen similar results with our treatment protocols.

Why People with Scoliosis Should Seek Chiropractic Care

Scoliosis affects between 5-7 million people in America. In most cases, scoliosis develops in children. The vast majority of those affected have a mild form of scoliosis for which the typical medical treatment is “careful observation.” The reason why observation (only stretches and rehab exercises) is the default medical treatment is that most people, especially children, are not going to wear a brace 23 hours a day, and the other option — surgery — is considered a last resort.

80% of individuals with scoliosis typically have a lateral spinal curvature of less than 20 degrees — something that often takes a trained eye to readily observe. However, as you can read in our main article, scoliosis can progress and lead to many health issues as an adult.

Chiropractic care offers a way to reverse scoliosis, or keep it from progressing, and even in some cases completely restore normal function. When a lateral spinal curve is less the 10 degrees, it is no longer considered scoliosis. Chiropractic care provides a pro-active treatment for scoliosis that has shown proven results in the treatment of scoliosis and is a much better option than the “careful observation” where the only corrective options are wearing a body brace and/or surgery.

How can you tell if you or someone you love may have scoliosis?

The body gives you clues: one shoulder is higher than the other, the head is not carried directly over the pelvis, a prominent shoulder blade, one hip higher than the other, or the entire body is leaning to one side.

If you are looking for alternatives to medications and surgeries for scoliosis, and many other health concerns, please contact the doctors of ChiroSolutions Center at +1 757-271-0001, and arrange for a consultation. If you know of others who can benefit from this article, please share and recommend this article.

See More:

  • Name: ChiroSolutions Center

  • Address: 4460 Corporation Lane Suite 102, Virginia Beach, VA 23462

  • Phone: +1 757-271-0001

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