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Arthritis treatment in virginia beach


It's crucial to understand that there are two types of arthritis. Rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis are two types of arthritis. Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune condition that we will not discuss just now. We'll concentrate on osteoarthritis, which is the most common type of arthritis — a degenerative and painful condition.

Arthritis, also known as osteoarthritis, is the breakdown of a joint. Any joint in the body that is misplaced or not moving properly will deteriorate. Any joint in your body that does not work or move properly can deteriorate.

I use this as an example to folks all the time. If you put a knee in a cast and don't move it for a year, it will deteriorate. As a result, as long as a joint is properly positioned and moving, it can remain healthy. So, if you have a joint in your body, especially in the spine (which has 24 movable bones), if these bones are misaligned and not moving properly, the degenerative process begins.

When we help someone with arthritis pain as chiropractors, we begin with a thorough examination. Orthopaedic, neurological, and physical exam tests, as well as any necessary X-rays, are all part of our examinations. When you look at the X-ray, you'll notice things like cartilage deterioration and the growth of bone spurs, sometimes known as osteophytes. Osteophytes are bone spurs that grow around a joint when it isn't moving properly as the body tries to heal itself. When we see bones in the spine, or any bones or joints in the body, that aren't moving properly, our goal in chiropractic is to realign the bones and get them working properly again. To put it another way, we work to restore the joint's proper range of motion and flexibility so that it can operate better.

Chiropractic Care Benefits Those Suffering from Arthritis

Over the years of assisting clients with osteoarthritis, one thing I've noticed as we work to get their spines to function properly is that if they keep their spine properly, their osteoarthritis does not worsen. So, if someone has osteoarthritis and we get their spine into a normal posture and allow it to move properly, the good news is that the joint does not deteriorate over time.

I have patients I've cared for for the past 16-17 years, and when we repeat X-rays 2, 3, or even 5 years later, the joint looks exactly the same as it did before. It hasn't gotten any worse.

On the other hand, we have people who come in, feel better, and then quit coming because they are feeling better. When patients return 5 years later and we retake X-rays, we discover that the degeneration has worsened since the joints haven't been kept in the usual posture and moving normally. Remember that just 10% of your nerve system is affected by pain. Just because someone feels better doesn't mean they've fixed everything. Osteoarthritis is a degenerative condition that necessitates joint maintenance. The deterioration began anew when they stopped maintaining their proper mobility and function.

Chiropractic Care Is Very Effective in Relieving Arthritis Pain

When someone has osteoarthritis, chiropractic is quite successful in relieving pain. Second, and more crucially, chiropractic care is successful at keeping the joints in good working order so that degeneration does not occur and the spine does not deteriorate.

Obviously, degenerative joints have an adverse influence on the nervous system, particularly around the spine. When someone has osteoarthritis around the spine, it begins to close in and around the intervertebral foramen (the hole where the nerve exits between the bones), and as the osteoarthritis progresses, it affects and puts pressure on the nerves. The function of every cell, tissue, muscle, and organ in the body is controlled and coordinated by these nerves, which emerge from the spine.

Because the nervous system controls every system in the body, when osteoarthritis worsens, it puts pressure on the nerves and has a negative impact on the body's general health. And that is the most important aspect of the spine to comprehend. Because of the strain it puts on your nerves, arthritis in the spine, if left untreated, will eventually affect the rest of your body and its functioning.

Because nerves exit out of your spinal cord and come out in-between the bones, they control and coordinate the function of every cell, tissue, muscle, organ — everything in the body — the spinal joints are obviously different from the rest of the joints in the body — like your knees, shoulders, and fingers. So, when it comes to chiropractic, it's not just about how you feel; it's also about how your body and nervous system are performing in terms of general health and fitness.

If you or someone you love suffers from osteoarthritis, you should think about how much chiropractic care may help them manage their pain while also restoring function and proper movement to their joints. You already know that if you don't get good chiropractic therapy, your arthritis will worsen. There is a clear option for everybody suffering from osteoarthritis. Continue taking pain medication and watch your body deteriorate, or choose for chiropractic care, which is exceptionally efficient in relieving arthritic pain without the use of pharmaceuticals while also restoring joint function and range of motion. Chiropractic care will help you feel better.

Call us today at +1 757-271-0001 to schedule an appointment and learn more about how we can assist you. Please forward this information to any friends or family members who are suffering from arthritic discomfort.

See More:

  • Name: ChiroSolutions Center

  • Address: 4460 Corporation Lane Suite 102, Virginia Beach, VA 23462

  • Phone: +1 757-271-0001

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