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Sciatica in Virginia Beach


ChiroSolutions Center successfully addresses sciatic pain for our patients.

What is Sciatica and how does it affect you?

Sciatica is the pain that occurs when the sciatic nerves are irritated, pinched, or compressed, or when the nerves and/or the area directly surrounding the sciatic nerves are inflamed.

A subluxation (misalignment) of one or more vertebrae in the lumbar spine (lower back) is the most common cause of sciatica, which irritates or compresses the sciatic nerve, causing pain and inflammation.

Sciatica pain can be caused by:

  • Back pain in the lower back

  • Pain extending down your leg from your lower back

  • Buttock ache

  • Muscle aches and pains

  • A tingling sensation that travels down your leg or into your toes

  • Your big toe is numb or hurting.

  • Numbness in your legs or feet is a common symptom of diabetes.

  • A sensation of "pins and needles" in your leg

Common Subluxation Causes that Lead to Sciatica

Too much time spent sitting. Our bodies aren't built to sit for long periods of time, and this unnatural position shortens hip flexors, tightens muscles, and strains on the lumbar spine.

Bad posture (both sitting and standing)

Expectant motherhood (the physical changes the body goes through can put a lot of pressure on the lumbar spine)

Incorrectly lifting an object

Inflammation of the muscles as a result of muscle strain

A fall and/or a slip

Golf, tennis, racquetball, squash, and baseball are all sports that twist the spine and induce subluxations.

Taking part in contact sports

While subluxations are the most common cause of sciatica, there are additional factors to consider.

The following are some of the possible causes of sciatica pain:

  • Spinal subluxations or misalignments during pregnancy

  • Spinal stenosis is a condition that affects the spine (narrowing of the spinal canal the nerves run through)

  • Disk wear and tear

  • Muscle spasm in the piriformis

  • Herniated disc or bulging disc

  • Osteoarthritis

  • The sciatic nerve is pressed by a tumor.

Sciatica Treatment

If you're like most people, the first time you have a pain like sciatica, you'll most likely turn to the internet for answers. On the internet, you can find advice on everything from pain medicine to epidural steroid injections to surgery. Obviously, surgery should only be used as a last resort in the event of a problem. People frequently choose to "wait and see," doing nothing in the hopes that the discomfort will go gone on its own. While it may be tempting to wait and see what occurs, I strongly advise against it for several reasons.

Medication for pain does not solve the problem. They merely act as a numbing agent.

When your spine has a subluxation (misalignment), it needs to be gently realigned so that your nervous system can operate properly once more.

The sciatic nerves are responsible for controlling the body's muscles and organs. Erectile dysfunction (ED), menstruation problems, constipation, incontinence, urinary problems, leg swelling or edema, reproductive concerns, and other issues can occur if sciatica is left untreated.

If you have sciatica, it will continue to trouble you if you do not treat it. Because just 10% of your neural system can experience pain, sciatica may appear to come and go at times. However, if the core cause of your subluxation is not addressed, it will always return, potentially leading to spinal degenerative illness (osteoarthritis, disc degeneration, protrusions, disc bulges, or herniation of the disc).

One of the most common causes of sciatica is lumbar spine subluxations, or misalignments, which arise as a result of everyday activity. And, as you can see from the list of additional potential problems sciatica can cause, which includes everything from ED to difficulties getting pregnant (bullet point #3 above), untreated sciatica can rack up significant medical bills as you seek treatment for secondary issues that arise as a result of sciatica interfering with the way your nervous system is supposed to function.

Chiropractic care for sciatica will address the underlying source of the disease, allowing your nerve system to resume normal function. Then, in the vast majority of situations, all other issues will vanish. If the difficulties are caused by untreated sciatica, no medication will be able to help. If you talk to a chiropractor who has been practicing for a while, they will always have a tale about one of their patients who was unable to conceive. The patient had gone to specialist after specialist with little success, but with chiropractic care, they were able to conceive once more. The restorative chiropractic care provided to several of these women was a profoundly emotional event for them.

ChiroSolutions Center's Sciatica Treatment

Every day at ChiroSolutions Center, we gently treat subluxations in the spine and neck. When you have sciatica, our first step will be to figure out what's causing your pain and then attempt to fix it. Chiropractic therapy treats the underlying cause of your sciatic pain rather than masking it with pain medication. Chiropractors utilize gentle adjustments to restore the appropriate alignment of your spine. This lowers nerve pressure, allowing the central nervous system to operate normally, thus relieving sciatica pain. We will conduct all necessary exams to correctly diagnose the main cause of your sciatic pain. Chiropractic, physical tests, neurological, orthopedic, and x-rays may be included in these examinations. We also have non-invasive computer scans that show us exactly how your nervous system is working in addition to these assessments.

When it comes to sciatica and related pain, chiropractic care is the first line of defense. After reading this article, you've realized that sciatica isn't something to ignore or manage with pain relievers on your own. To say the least, the consequences of untreated sciatica can be extremely inconvenient.

For years, ChiroSolutions Center has been assisting individuals with sciatica, addressing the root cause, and relieving their pain. To schedule a one-on-one consultation, call +1 757-271-0001. If you or someone you know is suffering with sciatica or other associated issues, please share this information with them.

  • Name: ChiroSolutions Center

  • Address: 4460 Corporation Lane Suite 102, Virginia Beach, VA 23462

  • Phone: +1 757-271-0001

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