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Neck pain In Virginia Beach


Updated: Jul 28, 2022

The most common cause of neck pain is a subluxation (misalignment) in the cervical spine (vertebrae of the neck). When the bones of the cervical spine are out of alignment, they can exert pressure on the nerves or even pinch them, producing pain. 95% of all headaches are caused by subluxations in the neck. Many people, rather of dealing with the underlying causes of their neck discomfort and headaches, turn to pain pills. Pain relievers do not solve the problem; they simply cover the symptoms.

The Importance of Chiropractic Care for Neck Pain

Many people self-medicate to relieve neck discomfort and headaches rather than treating the underlying cause. Neck discomfort is a sign that something is amiss, and when the nerves in your neck are pinched, you might have a variety of problems, the most common of which is headaches.

The cervical spine (neck) is made up of seven bones (C1 through C7). The nerves that exit the neck travel to your eyes, mouth, sinuses, facial muscles, brain, lacrimal gland, hearing, pituitary gland, parotid gland, and a variety of other locations. If the nerves in the neck are pinched, they will not be able to function as they should. Your nervous system will be hampered by pinched nerves in the neck, and your body will not work as well as it should. This implies your immune system will be weakened and you will become sick more frequently.

  • Here is a summary of some of the issues that subluxations in the neck can cause and/or exacerbate.

  • Pimples or Acne

  • Adenoids

  • Allergies will be much worse.

  • Numbness and tingling in the arms

  • Asthma will flare up more frequently and with greater severity.

  • Consistent Hoarseness and Chronic Cough

  • Tiredness that persists

  • Colds will become increasingly prevalent.

  • Croup\sDizziness

  • Eczema

  • Fatigue

  • Numbness or tingling in the hands and fingers

  • Hay Fever is a common ailment that affect

  • Headaches will become increasingly common.

  • Hearing Issues

  • Heart Problems

  • High Blood Pressure (HBP) is a condition in which

  • Laryngitis\sMigraine Headaches

  • Neuritis Sinus Issues Runny Nose

  • Stiff Neck, Sore Throat

  • Thyroid Disorders

  • Tonsillitis\sTrouble Vision Issues While Sleeping

  • Immune System Deficiency

Chiropractic therapy is a non-drug approach to treating neck pain. Chiropractors will gently realign the vertebrae in your neck, restoring appropriate alignment, eliminating the source of your discomfort, and allowing your immune system to become stronger, keeping you healthier. Neck pain isn't something you should ignore and hope will go away on its own. The nerves in your neck are critical to your general health, as you can see from the probable health issues outlined above. Chiropractic therapy is a tried-and-true way for addressing and correcting the underlying cause of neck pain.

Another reason to seek chiropractic care if you have neck pain is that ignoring the root of your pain can lead to future problems in the cervical spine, such as degenerating discs and osteoarthritis. Subluxation pain can be relieved and your neck can be kept in good alignment with regular chiropractic care.

Causes of Neck Pain

Some of the most frequent reasons of neck discomfort that chiropractors successfully treat on a regular basis are listed below.


When a child is born, the transit through the vaginal canal is frequently stressful and can result in neck injuries. Many of the health problems that babies and toddlers face are caused by this. Many neck disorders go unnoticed because a newborn can't tell you they're in pain. Every baby should receive pediatric chiropractic care, and it can often help your baby sleep better at night.


When an automobile accident occurs, most people instantly think about treating whiplash with chiropractic care. It does not, however, have to be a car accident. Accidents that cause subluxations in the cervical spine, damage nerves, tendons, and muscles, and cause your neck to bend the wrong way, such as hitting your head, falling, or other accidents, can cause subluxations in the cervical spine, damage nerves, tendons, and muscles, and in some severe cases, cause your neck to bend the wrong way. You may not notice the discomfort right away, but if you've been in an accident, it's best to have your chiropractor check you out to make sure there's no problem.


Playing sports, especially contact sports or sports where you head the ball, is a common cause of neck pain and issues. Regular chiropractic checks are recommended for everyone who engages in sports to ensure that their cervical spine (neck) is in appropriate alignment. Regular chiropractic adjustments will also improve the function of your central nervous system, allowing you to perform better.


Even if your job isn't physically demanding, sitting at a desk can induce subluxations in your neck. Many of us use our shoulder and neck to grasp our phones. Many computer stations are not correctly configured, resulting in poor posture, neck strain, and tense muscles. Smart phones and texting have produced a new condition known as "text neck," which is caused by spending too much time messaging and/or using our phones with our heads bowed forward.

Sleeping in the Wrong Position

It's more accurate to state that you're sleeping with your neck in the wrong posture. Pillows that press the back of your head forward too far, pulling your chin into your chest, might cause neck pain. Your pillow should be situated to help maintain the natural arc of your neck, which looks like a backward "C." Side sleepers frequently use a pillow that is insufficiently supportive, causing them to sleep with a bowed neck. And almost everyone who attempts to sleep on a couch develops some form of neck ache.


Allowing subluxations to continue untreated for too long can lead to neck arthritis, also known as osteoarthritis. Arthritis is a condition in which one or more joints in the neck degenerate. Any joint in the body that is misaligned and unable to move or function properly will begin to deteriorate.

Taking pain relievers can aggravate neck problems

Many of us have been so conditioned to take nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) to treat neck discomfort and headaches that we don't consider the repercussions or side effects. We've all seen TV advertising for pharmaceuticals with a long list of side effects, many of which appear to be worse than the original problem. So, in addition to all of the problems that leaving the cause of your neck pain untreated can cause, you'll also have to cope with the side effects of the medicine.

Remember that pain medication just addresses the symptom of your condition, not the root reason. Chiropractic care, on the other hand, focuses on addressing the underlying cause of your issue.

Our goal at ChiroSolutions Center is to determine the source of your neck pain. We can relieve your pain by addressing your condition with simple spinal adjustments. The nervous system will also be restored to normal function, your immune system will be strengthened, and your range of motion will be increased.

If you're suffering from neck pain, call ChiroSolutions Center at +1 757-271-0001 or fill out one of our simple appointment forms, and we'll help you locate and fix the source of your problem. Please share this post with your friends and family if you find it useful.

  • Name: ChiroSolutions Center

  • Address: 4460 Corporation Lane Suite 102, Virginia Beach, VA 23462

  • Phone: +1 757-271-0001

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